My classmates fieldwork

 I have learned many things from observing my classmate's field work throughout the semester.  My team and I were the last teams to go and teach these students so we already had the advantage of knowing the children and how they act in the classroom. We were more aware of what worked for the students and what the students did not work well with by the time it was our turn to teach. 

We also were aware of how to handle certain situations. Many students did not work well will a lot of freedom because they took advantage of it and would abuse the chat along with taking their mics off mute when they were not prompted to. Because we were made aware of this early in the semester we made sure the chat stayed professional and the students were aware that they were not allowed to unmute their mics and yell over the class. We tried to make sure the students stayed on task and worked appropriately with us and the rest of the class.

 laptop wave
