Why is implementing Social Interactive Model/Cooperative Learning important?


The social interactive model is a big advantage to teachers for many reasons. These models are specifically student-centered and make the students engage in a higher level of thinking and can benefit the students that work well in a cooperative setting. The social interactive model can promote leadership, teamwork among the class, and problem-solving skills. The interaction of the students is very important because it can help the students organizer their thoughts and reach an overall conclusion about a problem by bouncing ideas off of each other. With the help of their peers, they are able to find gaps in their reasoning and reflect on their understanding of the given topic. Working together can help the students build positive relationships that will help create a classroom community. Having students work together is important because it will build trust between them, making them more comfortable in the classroom and have a stronger connection to each other and what they are learning. 

There has been a lot of research that proves that cooperative learning increases participation within the classroom. I believe this to be true because students are not always comfortable with their answers because they are scared they are wrong. With students working together they are able to bounce ideas off of each other and come to a conclusion that they are more comfortable with because they are more confident in their answers. 


  1. Hi Sam,
    I agree with you that the social interaction model is a crucial lesson to teach. I believe it is the most important or the most beneficial lesson we can teach our students. I think it is the most benefical lesson because of the social skills it teaches students. The Social Interaction model teaches students the benefits of teamwork and how they can succeed if they work together. The social interaction model also teaches students proper communication skills because to complete a project successfully. They need to communicate about what they will do and who will do what. The social interaction model also teaches students individual accountability in that they are just as responsible for the group's work as they are for their own. It allows them to assess how well they worked together in group processing. By having students teach each other, there is a very good chance they will be more successful when completing an independent practice activity.


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