Exploring methods of teaching


I think that this cartoon is showing how the generations are changing. Students and young kids are posting everything they do for people to see and follow. Everyone knows everything about everyone already because it is posted online and their business is out there for the world to see. It is important for the teachers to understand how the times are changing and how they can involve that in their teaching to keep the students interested. 


For this assignment, I was given an article about the different models of teaching. The different models of teaching are personal, social interaction, behavioral, and information processing. I chose to focus on the social interaction model because it talks about how it is important for students to work together and be involved in the lesson. It is important for students to be involved in the lesson because it keeps their focus and helps them retain the information being handed to them. 



I watched a video on learning to teach social studies and this showed students working in teams to complete a project. The students gathered the information they found, then came together and shared it with their groups. The students then presented these to the class and showed what they have learned. 


I chose to do the Earth day lesson to analyze and evaluate. I chose this lesson because I think it showed many important forms of teaching. This lesson plan follows a behavioral teaching method. The lesson plan uses direct instruction, indirect instruction, interactive instruction, experiential learning, and independent study. it is important to implement direct instruction in your lessons by asking the students many questions. It is good how the lesson uses experimental learning through the use of an online game. Experimental learning is good because it is activity-oriented which is what will get the students to pay attention and be interactive with the lesson. The teacher provided two videos for the students to view independently, and the students then answered linked questions independently.
I think this was a great lesson to look at and analyze because it was extremely engaging for the students. They used many different resources and got the students active in their learning. I really enjoyed the videos that were posted along with all the other photos. This lesson was very engaging and the google drawing was a very good idea.

For the last part of the lesson, I had to make a video talking about the models I read up on.  I focused on social interaction because I felt it was extremely important to include it in a lesson. My video
